Third Meeting of the National Committee on Antarctic Geographic Names (CNNGA)
The third meeting of the National Committee on Antarctic Geographic Names (CNNGA) marked a significant step in the field of Antarctic cartography. The activity was held in the Bertrand Room of the National Directorate of Borders and Limits of the State (DIFROL) and brought together the rest of the representatives of the institutions that make up the Committee, namely the Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA), the Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM), the Servicio Aerofotogramétrico (SAF) and the Dirección Antártica from Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (DIRANTÁRTICA)
The National Director of DIFROL, Carlos Dettleff, together with the DIFROL Boundary Director, Samy Hawa, began the day with words of welcome and warmth to those present. A fundamental fact was the review of the previous minutes, which allowed establishing the basis for discussion and decision making.
One of the central points of the meeting was the analysis of the Antarctic Cartographic Plan. In a joint effort between SHOA, IGM and SAF, the importance of detailed planning by each committee member was highlighted. The progress presented on the proposed geographical names for the Chilean Antarctic Territory was discussed and considered.
The meeting concluded with the presentation of future plans, highlighting the research campaigns planned for the years 2024 and 2025. This will involve the incorporation of new vessels and exploration tools, which will enrich the Antarctic cartography, allowing to deepen the knowledge of the region. In summary, the third meeting of the CNNGA reaffirmed the importance of collaboration and fairness in the assignment of geographical names in this unique and vital region for science and exploration.