
La Dirección Nacional de Fronteras y Límites de Estado dispone de información territorial digital para el uso de la ciudadanía. En esta sección encontrarás aplicaciones que despliegan dicha información y que permiten interactuar en tiempo real con ella. Además encontrarás una sección de descarga de la información territorial de nuestra competencia.

This allows the viewing of all layers of territorial information relevant to DIFROL, such as international boundaries, boundary markers, and border crossing points, among other.

These are where DIFROL must issue authorization to enter into any transaction or contract with respect to national assets of public use, fiscal or that form part of the patrimony of the State administration institutions (including the Municipalities).

This constitutes a natural space for coordinating and developing diverse subject matters that intertwine with the typical spaces of different organizations and of bilateral forums with neighboring countries.

Territorial Information for Downloading

International Boundary
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Schematic of Chile
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Boundary markers
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Border Area
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Maritime Spaces
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