DIFROL officials participate in the Second Annual Meeting of the CNNGA in Punta Arenas
The National Directorate and its Director of Limits, in recognition of the work of Cecilia Zamorano and Caterine Encina, highlights their participation in the CNNGA important committee formed by various state entities, including DIFROL, INACH, Antarctic Affairs Division of this Ministry, Military Geographic Institute (IGM), Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOA) and Aerophotogrammetric Service (SAF).
The CNNGA, established by DS N° 361 of November 2006, has the objective of advising the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs and coordinating toponymy in the Chilean Antarctic Territory and the Antarctic Continent, in accordance with the rules applicable under the Antarctic Treaty.
The participation of Zamorano and Encina in this meeting demonstrates DIFROL’s commitment to the preservation and assignment of toponyms in Antarctica, reaffirming Chile’s role in international cooperation and the protection of our Antarctic heritage. Along the same lines, the third annual meeting of the committee, scheduled for August, will be held in this National Directorate.