DIFROL attends a course on national regulatory frameworks and cross-border agreements on water management
Between May 15th and 19th, the Unit of Environment and Shared Water Resources (UMARH) from DIFROL participated in a course on National Regulatory Frameworks and Transboundary Agreements on Water Management held in the city of La Antigua, Guatemala. This course was aimed at officials from all Central American and South American countries, with the objective of training public officials on the main instruments for transboundary management of shared water resources.
The course was organized by CODIA and received collaboration from AECID. Public officials from various institutions with water-related responsibilities in countries such as Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, among others, attended the event. From Chile, besides DIFROL, the General Water Department (DGA) participated, along with its National Director, Deputy National Director, and Head of the Inspection Department.
The presentations included topics such as transboundary water management and governance in the Andean region, the Agreement on the Guaraní Aquifer, water cooperation between Mexico and the United States of America, the Albufeira Convention between Spain and Portugal, among others.
The activity highlighted the opportunity to exchange experiences among different countries regarding water management, with a particular emphasis on reviewing the operational effectiveness of current multilateral agreements on transboundary waters.