In the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Closing and Plenary meetings of the Mixed Commission of Chile – Argentina were held between December 11 and 14, to close the 2019/2020 period
The Delegations had the participation, on behalf of Chile, of the President of the Chilean Boundary Commission, the Director of Boundaries, Mr. Samy Hawa Arellano, the Delegates, Messrs. Juan Pablo Benavides Monsalve, Marcelo Luengo Erices and Rodrigo Muñoz Guerrero, and the Secretary of the Commission, Mrs. Marta Mateluna Ríos. For Argentina, the President of the Commission, Minister Mr. Gustavo Bobrik, the Delegates, Messrs. Federico Arpe and Gastón Javier Berlín, and the Secretary Javier Orlando Ramírez.
On December 11 and 12, 2022, the Chile-Argentina Mixed Boundary Commission was established to hold the Closing Meeting where the Cabinet work carried out by a Mixed Subcommission in December 2019 referred to section IX was announced. (Araucanía Region in Chile and Neuquén Province in Argentina), and the field work carried out between February and March 2020, by a Mixed Subcommittee in sections VIII, IX and X (in sectors of the Los Ríos, Los Lagos, La Araucanía and Biobío in Chile and the Province of Neuquén in Argentina). Likewise, the preliminary draft of the Work Plan for the 2022/2023 season and the preliminary draft of the annual Informative Report were prepared.
On December 13, the LXXI Plenary Meeting began, with the purpose of approving, on the one hand, the reports of the Delegates of the Mixed Subcommittees, and on the other, the exchange of technical information and comparison of coordinates, as well as the approval of the Plan of Works for the 2022/2023 season and the Annual Report for the 2019/2022 period.
At the end of the conference, the Presidents of both Delegations expressed reciprocal congratulations for the excellent work and the objectives achieved and also stated that the work for the upcoming 2023 period will be an excellent opportunity to continue on the path of joint work. and integration that has been achieved in the Mixed Boundary Commission Chile Argentina.